2013년 5월 27일 월요일

Twenty-nine riders completed Cheonan 600K challenge

With more than 5,100 meters of climbing, hot temperatures and the 40-hour time limit, this was not an easy Brevet by any standard. These obstacles did not deter the 29 riders, who successfully finished the 600K – congratulations to all of you! Riders from every corner of Korea joined the C-600 with the goal to also become
Super Randonneurs (SR) (to become a SR, riders must complete a 200K, 300K, 400K and 600K in one season). At the end of the day Korea Randonneurs celebrated twenty new SRs. Korea has become a prime spot for foreign Randonneurs and three Americans, one Canadian and one German finished the 600K and acquired SR status. For many riders this was their first-ever 600K experience and all coped well with a night without sleep.

The elite of Korea Randonneurs will meet in Gwangju and accept the challenge to ride the “Great Jeolla 1200” on June 6. Be part of this Korea Revolution!

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